
TMDU-MIT-NUS-ANZICS-JSICM Critical Data Workshops and Datathon 2023



February 24-25, 2018

The 1st Big Data Machine Learning in Healthcare Datathon in Japan was held at the Tokyo Dental and Medical University following the Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine's Annual Congress. This two day conference first held in Japan was comprised of seven lectures, 11 hands-on workshops, and a mini-Datathon (half day version of the Datathon style workshop). Participants from various sectors, from students and professionals in healthcare related fields to programmers, gathered to analyze data from MIMIC, the ANZICS APD (adult patients database), and JIPAD (Japanese ICU patients database) to answer six prefixed clinical questions, with one winning team selected at the end of the event. Collaborative efforts for publications have continued beyond the Datathon and we look forward to seeing more during our second year.

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March 8-10, 2019

The 2nd Big Data Machine Learning in Healthcare Datathon in Japan was held at Google Tokyo. This was the first full Datathon covering various aspect of data science of this field. We invited 48 faculty members in this event including 14 from MIT Critical care, 8 from National University of Singapore, 5 from ANZICS. Prior to the Datathon, 9 hand-on workshops were held at Tokyo Dental and Medical University. At Dtathon 10 clinical questions were suggested from 10 teams, total 110 medical doctors, health-care-providers, data scientists, statisticians, system engineers. The third and fourth Datathons were also planned, but both were cancelled due to the global corona pandemics. Therefore, the Datathon to be held in 2023, after an interval of four years, will in fact be the third Datathon.

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